Event: T²M 20th Annual Conference – Mobilities: Disruptions and Reconnections
Hybrid conference jointly organized by International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility & Humanities.
Where? Padua (Italy)
When? 21-24 September 2022
More information can be found here: https://www.mobilityandhumanities.it/t2m2022conference/
Publication: Automobility Studies
The multidisciplinary research field of automobility studies has articulated an alternative account and description of automobility to that which is routinely disseminated by an assemblage of automobility-related interests, in popular culture, in advertisements, and by automobiles themselves. Automobility studies has opened up the possibility of developing a critical, alternative description of automobility, and the possibility of imagining a postautomobility future for our planet.
Source: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-98390-5_11-1
Publication: Post-Automobility Futures
The book “Post-Automobility Futures”, written by Robert Braun and Richard Randell presents an in-depth phenomenological and deconstructive analysis of the automobility imaginary, which is none other than the mundane automobility reality within which we dwell in everyday life. A successful transition to a post-automobility future will require new ways of thinking about and conceptualizing automobility, one of the most significant and powerful imaginaries of contemporary neo-liberalism. This book offers such a view by reconceptualizing automobility in its entirety as both an imaginary and a dreamscape.
In order to address the challenges, externalities and tragedies that automobility has brought upon us, automobility, as the authors argue, must end as we know it.
In his summary of the book IHS researcher Johannes Starkbaum presents and discuss the core arguments of the book. The corresponding video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s38kucRCXpw
Source and more information can be found here: https://www.ihs.ac.at/publications-hub/blog/post-automobility-futures/
The book can be found here: https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538158852/Post-Automobility-Futures-Technology-Power-and-Imaginaries
Event: The Future of Automobility (book presentation & panel discussion)
On June 15 2022, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna invites to a panel discussion on the future of automobility discussing whether electric and autonomous automobility or mobility-as-a-service options are really our better future.
Two of our panelists argue in their recently published book that these new technologies are not only non-transformational, they are more of the same. They claim that automobility, a political order, is irremediably violent, lethal, and repressive. More than 2 million people die in automobility, with several more millions injured or sickened. Critical opinions are repressed with the use or misuse of science: this, in scholarly discussions, is also called violence. The authors call this the automobility imaginary: a political order with fascist traits.
IHS senior scholars Robert Braun and Richard Randell, authors of “Post-automobility Futures” by Rowman & Littlefield, discussed their approaches with Katja Schechtner (MIT – Senseable City Lab) and Ulla Rasmussen (VCÖ – Mobilität mit Zukunft) during a panel discussion. Prior to that, IHS researcher Johannes Starkbaum presented and discussed the core arguments of the book. The event was moderated by mobility expert Claudia Falkinger.
Source: https://www.ihs.ac.at/events/detail/the-future-of-automobility/
Diskussion: Wie kann man Sitzgelegenheiten im urbanen Raum erfassen und verbessern?
Mit Bewegung in der Stadt assoziiert man Bewegung mit dem Auto, dem Rad oder zu Fuß. Ein wichtiger Aspekt, der oft vergessen wird, ist, dass zu Bewegung auch immer Stillstand gehört. Wie also ist Nicht-Bewegung – Rasten, Sitzen, Liegen – im urbanen Raum möglich? IHS-Forscher:innen haben sich in einem Projekt damit beschäftigt, wo Bänke stehen, wo sie fehlen und welche Verbesserungen und welche Positionen möglich sind. Mit der eigens entwickelten Web-App „hogga.me“ können Teilnehmer:innen nach dem Vortrag selbst durch die Stadt spazieren und darüber nachdenken, was das Sitzen auf einer Bank eigentlich angenehm macht.
Source: https://irihs.ihs.ac.at/id/eprint/6190/
Aufzeichnung der Diskussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ylsd4KavCU
Publication: Towards post-automobility
In this paper, Robert Braun and Richard Randell make the case for conceptualizing automobility as a singular and enduring imaginary that is located in the present continuous tense. It is an imaginary composed not only of discourses, representations, images and visions but also the ostensible materiality of automobility. That imaginary is the everyday, taken-for-granted reality of automobility. If we are to entertain hopes of living in a world absent the routine violence of automobility, the political challenge is not only the construction of alternative, “sustainable” and “just” mobility imaginaries but the deconstruction and destitution of the tautomobility imaginary. Pointers to destituting automobility may be found in policies towards controlling tobacco, fighting sex-trafficking, and decolonization. The concept of destituent power opens up possibilities for developing alternative strategies for moving towards a post-automobility future, not just as a conceptual deconstructive exercise but as political praxis.
The article can be found here: https://irihs.ihs.ac.at/id/eprint/6137/
NewHoRRIzon Project Final Conference
May 17th – May 28th
The NewHoRRIzon virtual final conference will inform attendees about the achievements and lessons learned in the H2020 project NewHoRRIzon. The programme includes focused breakout sessions to deep dive into specific Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) contexts, keynote lectures, presentations to reflect on the current status and future of RRI heading into Horizon Europe, and plenty of networking opportunities to strengthen the European and global RRI research and open innovation community. The event will share guided tours through a virtual RRI exhibition, where you can explore curated exhibits on Social Labs, Pilot Actions, related projects, and a variety of RRI topics.
Who? All are welcome but the conference will be particularly interesting to those interested in the societal impact of Research and Innovation and RRI.
Where? Held virtually on Zoom and accessible by registering here.
When? 12 sessions spread out over two weeks Mon-Fri from 10:00-11:30 and 14:00-15:30.
Full programme with individual sessions to be announced soon. Project website: https://newhorrizon.eu/
Expert*innendialog “Zukunftsrelevante Mobilitätskonzepte in einer digitalisierten Arbeitswelt”
Das Mobilitätslabor Oberösterreich lädt ein zum Expert*innendialog “Zukunftsrelevante Mobilitätskonzepte in einer digitalisierten Arbeitswelt”.
Donnerstag 24.09.2020, 10:00 – 13:00 Uhr
FH OÖ – Campus Steyr III (neues Gebäude),
Gaswerkgasse 7, 4400 Steyr – 1. OG, Raum SR III.5
Wie können wir unsere Mobilität klimaschonender gestalten? Welche Beiträge können Betriebe aktiv in Richtung einer nachhaltigen und gesunden Personenmobilität leisten? Welche Angebote braucht es? Fragen rund um die Gestaltung eines zukunftstauglichen (über-)betrieblichen Mobilitätsmanagements stehen im Zentrum dieser Veranstaltung. Folgende Expert*innen werden uns aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zum Informationsaustausch anregen:
- Harald Frey & Barbara Laa, TU Wien, Institut f. Verkehrswissenschaften
- Ana Dramac, DOKA group, Human Resources
- Markus Pajones, Logistikum FH OÖ F&E, MobiLab OÖ
- Martin Loidl, Universität Salzburg, Department Geoinformatik – Z_GIS
- Gerold Weisz, FH OÖ, Transferzentrum für Unternehmensgründung
Anmeldung unter Angabe von Vor- und Nachnamen und Organisation bis 14.09.2020 unter: mobility@fh-steyr.at
3rd SMARTA Webinar – 15th of July 2020
to Act for Rural Mobility” is a series of virtual events that SMARTA will
organise in June and July 2020.
This third webinar focuses on the social dimension of providing mobility in
rural areas. Experiences will be presented from Scotland, Romania, Belgium,
France, and Austria.
Join the third SMARTA webinar to see how innovative mobility services are being
designed to serve the more diverse social needs of rural areas.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Join the webinar on Jul 15, 2020 and register now!
Democratizing Innovation: A Virtual Dialogue Event
“July 6th – 10th, RiConfigure hosts an online workshop for actors from innovation policy and praxis focused on collaborative innovation to address the challenges of our time. The workshop will take place online through the platform Slack (www.slack.com) and allow participants to join discussions whenever they are available.
You can expect to
- Explore and learn from good practice examples for collaborative innovation
- Discuss tools & methods for involving civil society in innovation
- Connect and develop new ideas of practitioners and policy makers
- Jointly lay ground for a policy brief, an innovation training program and practice-oriented handbooks for collaborative innovation targeted for practitioners and policy makers”
Source and more information at http://riconfigure.eu/event/democratizing-innovation-an-international-dialogue-event/
Am 19. Juni 2020 finden im Rahmen der Initiative Verkehrswende Jetzt! ein Aktionstag in Niederösterreich und Wien statt.
Mehr Informationen unter: https://www.verkehrswende.at/verkehrswende-aktionstag/
Kampagne: Wien #autofrei
„Mit der Kampagne #WienAutofrei kämpft System Change, not Climate Change! für die Vision von Mobilitätsgerechtigkeit und einer autobefreiten Stadt. Die Emissionen des Verkehrssektor sind seit 1990 um mehr als 70 Prozent gestiegen, Verkehr ist damit einer der größten Klimazerstörer in Österreich. Gleichzeitig sind Fragen von Gerechtigkeit und Demokratie eng damit verknüpft, etwa beim Blick auf die Verteilung von Raum in der Stadt. Widerstand gegen das System Auto wird damit zum lokalen Schauplatz des Kampfs für Klimagerechtigkeit.“
Quelle und mehr Informationen unter: https://systemchange-not-climatechange.at/de/autofrei/
Degrowth Vienna 2020 online event
“’Degrowth Vienna 2020 – Strategies for social-ecological transformation’ is an online event that will happen in spring 2020. The conference will consider the role of strategy for a degrowth transformation and give room for exchanging, reflecting and developing strategies with scholars, practitioners, artists and activists. It will complement the International Degrowth Conference in Manchester in September 2020.
By bringing together practitioners, artists, activists, civil society actors and scientists, we want to integrate different kinds of existing expertise and elaborate promising approaches to transforming the economy in a socially just and ecologically viable way. The conference will have a participatory design, including a thorough documentation process that will generate concrete outcomes for the degrowth movement and research society.”
Source: https://www.degrowthvienna2020.org/en/landing-page/
Registration for participants is open until May 28th!

Das Forschungsprojekt CON-LABOUR befasst sich mit aktuellen Entwicklungen der österreichischen Automobilindustrie aus sozial-ökologischer Perspektive sowie mit Konversionsperspektiven. Derzeit werden die Ergebnisse ausgewertet und verschriftlicht. Eine Homepage mit positiven Konversionserfahrungen entsteht derzeit.
Anlässlich des bevorstehenden Projektendes veranstalten die Initiator_innen des Projekts am 28. Mai 2020 einen Workshop in Wien.
Neben einem Vortrag zu den Voraussetzungen einer Mobilitätswende und Konversion sowie der Präsentation und Diskussion zentraler Projektergebnisse werden – ausgehend von den Forschungsergebnissen – die Konsequenzen im Sinne einer sozial-ökologischen Transformation des Verkehrs- bzw. Automobilsektors erörtert.
Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2020
10 Uhr bis 16:30 Uhr
Arbeiterkammer Wien
Registrierung unter: <conlabour.project@univie.ac.at>
Web: https://www.univie.ac.at/intpol/en/home/forschung/projekte/con-labour/
Car-free district in Utrecht
“The ‘cyclist-first’ city of Utrecht is constructing the Netherlands’ first high-density, car-free residential district for more than 12,000 people, making it one of the largest of its type in the world.
The 24-hectare site, located between two canals in the middle of the city, is a business park but by 2024 it is hoped the area will enhance Utrecht’s reputation as a bicycling capital of Europe.”
Driverless Futures
Robert Braun and Richard Randell of CAS presented their work titled ‘Do accident coders create autonomous mobility?’ at the Driverless Futures project workshop in London at UCL.
More information can be found at https://driverless-futures.com/
Interview with Robert Braun
A short interview with Robert Braun about the beginnings, approaches, aims and the relevance of Critical Automobility Studies: https://www.ihs.ac.at/publications-hub/blog/beitraege/critical-automobility-studies/
Launch of the Critical Automobility Studies website
As with today, March 17th 2020, we launched the Critical Automobility Studies website. This site will provide information on upcoming events related to the field of Critical Automobility Studies, offer opportunities to share relevant and interesting resources related to the field, and provide a platform for exchange for anyone interested in participating.
If you have any ideas, contributions or suggestions for the website, do not hesitate to contact us.
Critical Automobility Studies Launch Event
On December 19th 2019, the Critical Automobility Studies Lab was launched at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. The lab kicked off with tree presentations and discussions as well as networking opportunities for everyone interested in Critical Automobility Studies.
- Robert Braun (Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna) — “Automobility nomos and biopolitics”
- Richard Randell (Webster University, Geneve) — “The imaginary of Automobility”
- Carlos Lopez-Galviz (Lancaster University) — “The Past Futures of Cities and Mobility: A View from History”
Robert Braun (IHS) has an interest in the politics of knowledge and societal transformation. He has studied the politics of past knowledge constructs, the politics of corporations and corporate social responsibility as well as responsible innovation. His current research focuses on automobility studies and the transition to autonomous mobility with a responsible research and innovation perspective. His current book project is titled “Towards a Post-Automobility Future” (with Richard Randell) to be published by Rowman & Littlefield International in 2020.
Richard Randell (Webster University, Geneve) has taught classes in social theory, automobility studies, the sociology of human rights, social movements, introductory sociology, social problems, contemporary slavery and human trafficking, gender studies, the sociology of organizations, social psychology, and surveillance studies. His current research interests include mobility studies with a focus on automobility, and the philosophy of science with a focus on phenomenological and deconstructionist critiques of realism.
Carlos Lopez-Galviz (Lancaster University) focuses on the historic relationship of cities and infrastructure, particularly urban mobility and transport, and how we can connect our understanding of that relationship in the past to its future today. He has published widely on 19th-century London and Paris, deploying a ‘past futures’ perspective. His recent publications include Global Undergrounds(Reaktion, 2016) and the monograph Cities, Railways, Modernities: London, Paris and the Nineteenth Century (Routledge, 2019). He is also co-editor of the Handbook of Social Futures (Routledge, 2021), an agenda-setting work in the emerging field of social futures.